How Can you make Landscaping Sexy???

If anyone can do it... Brian from Brian's Lawn Maintenance can

Yo, this is Blue Collar Chronicles, where I show you how to make money NOT online...

This weeks Lineup:

How do you make landscaping sexy?

Saturdays are for the... yard work.

My 4 year old walks up to me at 6am and says "daddy time to get up". I get up, look myself in the mirror, he hands me my toothbrush and even he knows that its time to get to work. As I look to my son and contemplate buying one of those cool Rumba robots for the yard (they are dope, check em out) I think to myself "He's probably old enough to do it on his own". But I decide against it, and face the adventure that is a Saturday morning. Its cold, I look over the glorious jungle in which I plan to conquer and as I think "it'll be quick", the dog drops only the freshest of loads in the middle of the lawn, so it begins.

So why in the hell would someone want to do this for a living?

I have no idea.

But I'm hoping to get some answers from Brian today as I talk to him about the questions I would have if I wanted to get into the landscaping biz.

  • How much you making doing this?

  • How would you get started if you did this again?

  • What's your plan to retire?

  • The grind, how do you get through it?

He was in his truck on his way to the next job while talking to me, I mean, what a guy!

Quick House Cleaning

  • Youtube Channel is up but I will be putting me and Brians Convo up tomorrow

  •  The Trench. The only other Blue Collar newsletter. Check him out

  • Do I look good? I switched over to beehiiv for the site cause mailchimp reminded me too much of a college degree...trash. Hopefully, I can set this thing up a little smoother so each email isn't just a dump of 411. New link to website is Here