Meet me down in...

"The Trench"

Turns out... I'm a pretty cheap date.

I am excited to tell yall that I sold this whole thing over to (Drum Roll please):

Yep, the guy that runs it goes by "The Captain". He's basically the Bruce Wayne of Blue Collar. I guess this makes me Robin? I feel like Robin never got his fair share of the limelight but that's cool with me.

The whole point behind this has been to make "Blue Collar Sexy" and to make it appeal to a broader audience by showcasing the things that we love about what we do for a living. To do that, you have to have an audience that is willing to listen.

SO, my plan was to build that audience myself via social media and a newsletter. Well "The Captain" has similar plans but already has a substantial audience that are yearning for content that will excite them and get them out of bed to go dominate the world that is ours for the taking. 

The best way to take over the world is to come together and make one super newsletter baby! Like Jack Jack from the Incredibles.

The guest that I have interviewed also have been incredible and truly deserve to be put on a larger stage in which they can be appreciated and admired by all.

What the hell does this mean for me?

You don't have to do anything!

Your email will be transferred over to the Trench and you will get the same style of content that I have been putting out, but with a slight twist! It will have more useful information that you can hopefully either use, or share with others as we will be having a referral program where we will be giving away some pretty substantial stuff.

So grab an iced alcoholic beverage of your choice and come meet me down in "The Trench"